After You Madame!

A Shameless History of European Manners

The customary chivalric manner to let the lady go fi rst dates back to the Middle Ages – knights new well that an assassin might be hiding in the dark hallway!  This shameless and amusing best-seller takes the reader into a world that is fascinatingly new and awkwardly familiar: the history of European manners. Why do people shake hands? Where goes the limit when spitting and burping are considered inappropriate? The book analyzes the most essential areas of behaviour, from greeting to bedtime. There is no point in elevating the rules of conduct, because the early history of some currently civilized manners is not quite what one might expect. The hypocritical book of manners provides background information of the European etiquette,both for those who think they don’t know their manners and for those who know better. 200 pages

Table of Contents



The cover of German edition published in 2016